

It is widely documented having a diverse and inclusive workplace is a positive asset to a business, even integral to success. With the outlined resources below, we hope to showcase the people and organisations blazing the trail, and supporting ND in the workplace.

ND At Work: Theo’s Mission

“To help organisations and individuals better understand Neurodiversity in the workplace, ensuring equal opportunities for all.”

Listen to his podcast Neurodiversity with Theo Smith – Eliminating Kryptonite & Enabling Superheroes here. And you can find his website here.

Genius Within

“Genius Within CIC is a social enterprise established by Dr Nancy Doyle in 2011 to help neurominorities maximise their potential and work to their strengths. We strive for a future where all neurodiverse/neurodivergent thinkers with challenges at work, in education, or in custody, receive the diagnosis, coaching and support that they need to thrive. Our work seeks to unlock their talents, whilst acknowledging and celebrating that this diversity forms part of the rich tapestry of human experience.

The BBC2 series, Employable Me and now Employable Me 2 has featured our work with disabled jobseekers as they prove that disability should not be a barrier to employment.

As a company actively championing the rights of neurominorities, it is only fitting that we are a Disability Confident Leader.”

Visit the website here.

Neurodiversity & Entrepreneurship Association

Bringing together conversations about neurodiversity and entrepreneurship – and the exciting things that can happen when they are brought together.

The NEA brings together academic researchers, entrepreneurs, business people and policymakers.

– We establish the research base for the area, connecting academic researchers and showcasing global research.
​- We celebrate neurodiverse entrepreneurship and self-employment.
​- We will inform policy and practice in the area of neurodiversity and entrepreneurship.
– We will become the ‘go to’ place for information about neurodiversity and entrepreneurship.

Visit the website here.